My Mission Yo

I had a mission, once upon a time...It was to attempt all of Pioneer Woman's recipes. I can't. I don't know how she cooks so much. She may be Superwoman?

Whatever I do cook and share with you all that is an original Pioneer Woman recipe I will rate on a scale of 1-5 for "tastiness" and 1-5 for difficulty.

Taste:1-Being "Yuck" & 5- Being "oh my I think I'm in Heaven this is so good"

Difficulty: 1-Being "Luke could cook this." & 5-Being "Uh, may swear off cooking altogether because this was so hard."

Anything else that I cook and share, I will just give a basic review for. I have two small children who I am with ALL DAY LONG, so my reviews are realistic and useful.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Monkey Bread

Since I made this Monkey Bread the first time, I have made it at least four more times.  It is so yummy and so easy!  I usually cut the recipe in half because I have no need to feed eight people.  I can't believe I had never had this before as I have heard that this is a "west Texas" staple and my dad is from west Texas.   One thing you need to make sure you do is completely melt the brown sugar in the butter.  It will start to look a little like a caramel sauce, but don't let it cook for too long.  Here's to Monkey Bread, the easy, yummy, breakfast of champions...

Difficulty- 2.5


  1. When I was younger my older sister would make this for us! I will have to try and make it for Talan and Oscar! :)

  2. I made it last night and te boys liked it!! =}
